

type Context

type Context interface {
Context() stdctx.Context
// 返回当前请求的 `*http.Request` 结构体实例。
Request() *http.Request
// 设置 `*http.Request` 结构体实例。
SetRequest(r *http.Request)
// Response returns `slim.ResponseWriter`.
Response() ResponseWriter
// SetResponse sets `slim.ResponseWriter`.
SetResponse(r ResponseWriter)
// Logger returns the `Logger` instance.
Logger() Logger
// SetLogger Set the logger
SetLogger(logger Logger)
// Filesystem returns `fs.FS`.
Filesystem() fs.FS
// SetFilesystem sets `fs.FS`
// IsTLS returns true if HTTP connection is TLS otherwise false.
IsTLS() bool
// IsWebSocket returns true if HTTP connection is WebSocket otherwise false.
IsWebSocket() bool
// Scheme returns the HTTP protocol scheme, `http` or `https`.
Scheme() string
// RealIP returns the client's network address based on `X-Forwarded-For`
// or `X-Real-IP` request header.
// The behavior can be configured using `Echo#IPExtractor`.
RealIP() string
RequestURI() string
// Accepts 返回支持的权重最高的媒体类型,若匹配失败则会返回空字符串。
// 给出的值可以是标准的媒体类型(如 application/json),也可以是扩展名(如 json、xml 等)。
Accepts(expect ...string) string
// AcceptsEncodings 返回支持的权重最高的编码方式,若匹配失败则会返回空字符串。
AcceptsEncodings(encodings ...string) string
// AcceptsCharsets 返回支持的权重最高的字符集,若匹配失败则会返回空字符串。
AcceptsCharsets(charsets ...string) string
// AcceptsLanguages 返回支持的权重最高的语言,若匹配失败则会返回空字符串。
AcceptsLanguages(languages ...string) string
// AllowsMethods 返回允许的请求方法
AllowsMethods() []string
// 返回路由器匹配的结果
RouteMatchType() RouteMatchType
// RouteInfo returns current request route information. Method, Path, Name and params if they exist for matched route.
// In the case of 404 (route not found) and 405 (method not allowed) RouteInfo returns generic struct for these cases.
RouteInfo() RouteInfo
// PathParam returns path parameter by name.
PathParam(name string) string
// PathParams returns path parameter values.
PathParams() PathParams
// SetPathParams set path parameter for during current request lifecycle.
SetPathParams(params PathParams)
// QueryParam returns the query param for the provided name.
QueryParam(name string) string
// QueryParams returns the query parameters as `url.Values`.
QueryParams() url.Values
// QueryString returns the URL query string.
QueryString() string
// FormValue returns the form field value for the provided name.
FormValue(name string) string
// FormParams returns the form parameters as `url.Values`.
FormParams() (url.Values, error)
// FormFile returns the multipart form file for the provided name.
FormFile(name string) (*multipart.FileHeader, error)
Header(key string) string
SetHeader(key string, values ...string)
// MultipartForm returns the multipart form.
MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error)
// Cookie returns the named cookie provided in the request.
Cookie(name string) (*http.Cookie, error)
// SetCookie adds a `Set-Cookie` header in HTTP response.
SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie)
// Cookies return the HTTP cookies sent with the request.
Cookies() []*http.Cookie
// Get retrieves data from the context.
Get(key string) any
// Set saves data in the context.
Set(key string, val any)
// Bind binds the request body into a provided type `i`. The default binder
// does it based on Content-Type header.
Bind(i any) error
// Validate validates provided `i`. It is usually called after `Context#Bind()`.
// Validator must be registered using `Echo#Validator`.
Validate(i any) error
// Written returns whether the context response has been written to
Written() bool
// Render renders a template with data and sends a text/html response with status
// code. Renderer must be registered using `Echo.Renderer`.
Render(code int, name string, data any) error
// HTML sends an HTTP response with status code.
HTML(code int, html string) error
// HTMLBlob sends an HTTP blob response with status code.
HTMLBlob(code int, b []byte) error
// String sends a string response with status code.
String(code int, s string) error
// JSON sends a JSON response with status code.
JSON(code int, i any) error
// JSONPretty sends a pretty-print JSON with status code.
JSONPretty(code int, i any, indent string) error
// JSONBlob sends a JSON blob response with status code.
JSONBlob(code int, b []byte) error
// JSONP sends a JSONP response with status code. It uses `callback` to construct
// the JSONP payload.
JSONP(code int, callback string, i any) error
// JSONPBlob sends a JSONP blob response with status code. It uses `callback`
// to construct the JSONP payload.
JSONPBlob(code int, callback string, b []byte) error
// XML sends an XML response with status code.
XML(code int, i any) error
// XMLPretty sends a pretty-print XML with status code.
XMLPretty(code int, i any, indent string) error
// XMLBlob sends an XML blob response with status code.
XMLBlob(code int, b []byte) error
// Blob sends a blob response with a status code and content type.
Blob(code int, contentType string, b []byte) error
// Stream sends a streaming response with status code and content type.
Stream(code int, contentType string, r io.Reader) error
// File sends a response with the content of the file.
File(file string, filesystem ...fs.FS) error
// Attachment sends a response as attachment, prompting client to save the
// file.
Attachment(file string, name string) error
// Inline sends a response as inline, opening the file in the browser.
Inline(file string, name string) error
// NoContent sends a response with nobody and a status code.
NoContent(code ...int) error
// Redirect redirects the request to a provided URL with status code.
Redirect(code int, url string) error
// Error invokes the registered HTTP error handler.
// NB: Avoid using this method. It is better to return errors, so middlewares up in a chain could act on returned error.
Error(err error)
// Slim 返回 Slim 实例
Slim() *Slim

接口 Context 是表示当前 HTTP 请求的上下文,它包含对请求和响应对象的引用、路径、路径参数、数据和匹配的路由信息。

type EditableContext

type EditableContext interface {
// RawPathParams returns raw path pathParams value.
RawPathParams() *PathParams
// SetRawPathParams replaces any existing param values with new values for this context lifetime (request).
SetRawPathParams(params *PathParams)
// SetRouteMatchType sets the RouteMatchType of router match for this request.
SetRouteMatchType(t RouteMatchType)
SetAllowsMethods(methods []string)
// SetRouteInfo sets the route info of this request to the context.
SetRouteInfo(ri RouteInfo)
// Reset resets the context after request completes. It must be called along
// with `Echo#AcquireContext()` and `Echo#ReleaseContext()`.
// See `Echo#ServeHTTP()`
Reset(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

type PathParam

type PathParam struct {
Name string
Value string


type PathParams

type PathParams []PathParam

func (PathParams) Get

func (p PathParams) Get(name string, defaultValue ...string) string


func (PathParams) Lookup

func (p PathParams) Lookup(name string) (string, bool)


type context

type context struct{}

默认上下文结构体,实现了 ContextEditableContext 这连个接口。

func (*context) Context()

func (c *context) Context()

返回 HTTP 请求上下文,也有是 *http.Request 的上下文,该方法实际上是:c.Request().Context()

func (*context) Request

func (c *context) Request(()

返回当前请求的 *http.Request 结构体实例。

func (*context) SetRequest

func (c *context) SetRequest()

设置 *http.Request 结构体实例。

func (*context) Response

func (c *context) Response() ResponseWriter

返回 slim.ResponseWriter 接口的实现,包装了 http.ResponseWriter 实例,同时实现了 http.Flusherhttp.Pusher 两个接口。

func (*context) SetResponse

func (c *context) SetResponse(r ResponseWriter)

设置自定义 slim.ResponseWriter

func (*context) Logger

func (c *context) Logger() Logger

返回日志接口 slim.Logger 的实例。

func (*context) SetLogger

func (c *context) SetLogger(logger Logger)

设置上下文的日志接口 slim.Logger

func (*context) Filesystem

func (c *context) Filesystem() fs.FS

返回文件系统 fs.FS 接口。

func (*context) SetFilesystem

func (c *context) SetFilesystem(fs.FS)

设置文件系统 fs.FS 接口。

func (*context) IsTLS

func (c *context) IsTLS() bool

如果 HTTP 连接是 TLS 则返回 true,否则返回 false。

func (*context) IsWebSocket

func (c *context) IsWebSocket() bool

如果是 WebSocket 连接则返回 true,反之返回 false。

func (*context) Scheme

func (c *context) Scheme() string

返回 HTTP 协议方案,值是 httphttps

func (*context) RealIP

func (c *context) RealIP() string

基于报头 X-Forwarded-ForX-Real-IP 返回客户端的 IP 地址。

func (*context) RequestURI

func (c *context) RequestURI() string


func (*context) Accepts

func (c *context) Accepts(expect ...string) string

返回支持的权重最高的媒体类型,若匹配失败则会返回空字符串。给出的参数 expect 的值可以是标准的媒体类型(如 application/json),也可以是扩展名(如 json、xml 等)。

具体逻辑参考接口 Negotiation

// Accept: text/html
// => "html"

// Accept: text/*, application/json
// => "html"
// => "text/html"
c.accepts("json", "text")
// => "json"
// => "application/json"

// Accept: text/*, application/json
// => false

// Accept: text/*;q=.5, application/json
c.accepts("html", "json")
// => "json"

// No Accept header
c.accepts("html", "json")
// => ""
c.accepts("json", "html")
// => ""

某些情况下,需要根据内容协商做出不同的行为,我们可以使用 switch

switch(c.accepts("json", "html", "text")) {
case "json":
case "html":
case "text":

func (*context) AcceptsEncodings

func (c *context) AcceptsEncodings(encodings ...string) string


// Accept-Encoding: gzip
c.acceptsEncodings("gzip", "deflate", "identity")
// => "gzip"

func (*context) AcceptsCharsets

func (c *context) AcceptsCharsets(charsets ...string) string


// Accept-Charset: utf-8, iso-8859-1;q=0.2, utf-7;q=0.5
c.acceptsCharsets("utf-8", "utf-7")
// => "utf-8"

func (*context) AcceptsLanguages

func (c *context) AcceptsLanguages(languages ...string) string


// Accept-Language: en;q=0.8, es, pt
c.acceptsLanguages("es", "en")
// => "es"

func (*context) AllowsMethods

func (c *context) AllowsMethods() []string

返回本次请求路径所支持的所有请求方法(包括与路径匹配的路由所支持的 HTTP 方法和不匹配的路由所支持的 HTTP 方法)。

func (*context) RouteMatchType

func (c *context) RouteMatchType() RouteMatchType


  • RouteMatchFound - 通过当前请求的路径和方法成功匹配到我们定义的路由;
  • RouteMatchNotFound - 没有与本次请求路径相匹配的路由;
  • RouteMatchMethodNotAllowed - 能够通过请求路径匹配到路由,但是该无法支持本次请求所使用的 HTTP 方法;
  • RouteMatchUnknown — 程序尚未开始执行匹配,表示上下文为初始状态。

如果在通过方法 Slim#Use 注册在 Slim 实例上的中间件上调用当方法,返回的值极有可能是 RouteMatchUnknown, 那是因为此刻程序尚未对本次请求去匹配路由,只有等到请求逆序返回的时候才可能取到其它值。

参考 《快速上手》 理解什么是中间件。

func (*context) RouteInfo

func (c *context) RouteInfo() RouteInfo


func (*context) PathParam

func (c *context) PathParam(name string) string


func (*context) PathParams

func (c *context) PathParams() PathParams


func (*context) SetPathParams

func (c *context) SetPathParams(params PathParams)

set path parameter for during current request lifecycle.

func (*context) QueryParam

func (c *context) QueryParam(name string) string


func (*context) QueryParams

func (c *context) QueryParams() url.Values

使用 url.Values 结构体返回所有的查询参数。

func (*context) QueryString

func (c *context) QueryString() string


func (*context) FormValue

func (c *context) FormValue(name string) string


func (*context) FormParams()

func (c *context) FormParams() (url.Values, error)

使用 url.Values 结构体返回提交的所有表单数据。

func (*context) FormFile(name string)

func (c *context) FormFile(name string) (*multipart.FileHeader, error)


func (*context) Header

func (c *context) Header(key string) string

返回名称为 key 的请求报头的值。

func (*context) SetHeader

func (c *context) SetHeader(key string, values ...string)


func (*context) MultipartForm()

func (c *context) MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error)


func (*context) Cookie(name string)

func (c *context) Cookie(name string) (*http.Cookie, error)

returns the named cookie provided in the request.

func (*context) SetCookie

func (c *context) SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie)

adds a Set-Cookie header in HTTP response.

func (*context) Cookies

func (c *context) Cookies() []*http.Cookie

return the HTTP cookies sent with the request.

func (*context) Get

func (c *context) Get(key string) any


func (*context) Set

func (c *context) Set(key string, val any)


func (*context) Bind

func (c *context) Bind(i any) error

将请求时提交的数据绑定到参数 i 上,主要来源如下:

  • 查询参数(Query String);
  • 请求体(通过 POST 等请求方法提交的)数据;
  • 匹配的路由参数;
  • 提交的报头值。

请求体通过报头 Content-Type 的值来识别,然后调用不同的序列化程序 Serializer 解构到参数 i 上。

func (*context) Validate

func (c *context) Validate(i any) error

validates provided i. It is usually called after Context#Bind(). Validator must be registered using Slim#Validator.

func (*context) Written

func (c *context) Written() bool

returns whether the context response has been written to

func (*context) Render

func (c *context) Render(code int, name string, data any) error

renders a template with data and sends a text/html response with status code. Renderer must be registered using Echo.Renderer.

func (*context) HTML

func (c *context) HTML(code int, html string) error

sends an HTTP response with status code.

func (*context) HTMLBlob

func (c *context) HTMLBlob(code int, b []byte) error

sends an HTTP blob response with status code.

func (*context) String

func (c *context) String(code int, s string) error

sends a string response with status code.

func (*context) JSON

func (c *context) JSON(code int, i any) error

sends a JSON response with status code.

func (*context) JSONPretty

func (c *context) JSONPretty(code int, i any, indent string) error

sends a pretty-print JSON with status code.

func (*context) JSONBlob

func (c *context) JSONBlob(code int, b []byte) error

sends a JSON blob response with status code.

func (*context) JSONP

func (c *context) JSONP(code int, callback string, i any) error

sends a JSONP response with status code. It uses callback to construct the JSONP payload.

func (*context) JSONPBlob

func (c *context) JSONPBlob(code int, callback string, b []byte) error

sends a JSONP blob response with status code. It uses callback to construct the JSONP payload.

func (*context) XML

func (c *context) XML(code int, i any) error

sends an XML response with status code.

func (*context) XMLPretty

func (c *context) XMLPretty(code int, i any, indent string) error

sends a pretty-print XML with status code.

func (*context) XMLBlob

func (c *context) XMLBlob(code int, b []byte) error

sends an XML blob response with status code.

func (*context) Blob

func (c *context) Blob(code int, contentType string, b []byte) error

sends a blob response with a status code and content type.

func (*context) Stream

func (c *context) Stream(code int, contentType string, r io.Reader) error

sends a streaming response with status code and content type.

func (*context) File

func (c *context) File(file string, filesystem ...fs.FS) error

sends a response with the content of the file.

func (*context) Attachment

func (c *context) Attachment(file string, name string) error

sends a response as attachment, prompting client to save the file.

func (*context) Inline

func (c *context) Inline(file string, name string) error

sends a response as inline, opening the file in the browser.

func (*context) NoContent

func (c *context) NoContent(code ...int) error

sends a response with nobody and a status code.

func (*context) Redirect

func (c *context) Redirect(code int, url string) error

redirects the request to a provided URL with status code.

func (*context) Error

func (c *context) Error(err error)

Error invokes the registered HTTP error handler.


我们不应该在路由处理器函数和中间件中使用使用该方法,而是通过返回错误值,Slim 程序会调用我们定义的错误处理器函数来统一处理错误。

func (*context) Slim

func (c *context) Slim() *Slim

返回 Slim 实例